Enjoy the benefits of the amazing organ that nourished your baby for nine months and now can nourish you!

Placenta Encapsulation is the safe dehydration and preservation of the nutrient-rich tissue, processing it into a safe-to-ingest powder, and encapsulating it into small capsules so that you may take them just as you would a vitamin.

Almost every other mammal ingests their placenta after birth. We used to think that they were just being animals, cleaning their area or avoiding predators. However, top predators practice placentophagy as well, so that couldn’t be all.

So scientists observed what happens when animals were disallowed* to ingest the placenta (or afterbirth), and those animals were more likely to:

  • Reject their young

  • Have trouble healing from birth

  • Not produce milk

  • Show signs of depression or agitation

You’re not in danger of rejecting your precious child like some animal. So what does this mean for a human like you? Well, first of all, we are civilized folk, so we’re not suggesting you just serve up a slab on a dinner plate after birth. Yet it is completely reasonable to have the organ processed safely by professionals (similar to how meat is safely processed), placed neatly inside of gelatin or vegetarian capsules with sterile, restaurant-grade equipment, and given back to you in a jar that blends right in with your multivitamins.

Consumers of Placenta Encapsulation Report Benefits Such As:

  • Decreased bleeding

  • Shortened healing time

  • Lowered risk and symptoms of postpartum depression and anxiety

  • Increased milk production

  • Boost of energy

  • Improvement of stabilizing moods

  • Hastened pre-pregnancy state of uterus

  • Replenished iron (shown by increase in hemoglobin)

  • And more!

O'Baby Birth Services has been around since 2010.  

In addition to Columbia Midwifery's home birth services, we offer Doula, Birth Photography, Birth Assistant, and Placenta Encapsulation services in and around the Midlands. 

Placenta Encapsulation:

Below is provided by http://placentabenefits.info/

Why should I take placenta capsules?
Your baby's placenta, contained in capsule form, is believed to:
 -contain your own natural hormones
 -be perfectly made for you
 -balance your system
 -replenish depleted iron
 -give you more energy
 -lessen bleeding postnatally
 -been shown to increase milk production
 -help you have a happier postpartum period
 -hasten return of uterus to pre-pregnancy state
 -be helpful during menopause


Contact us to learn more.